Omkar Tanks Built To Last Lifetime.

We have succeeded in establishing a strong niche in the local and global market for providing noteworthy solutions in terms of PVDF tanks, flourishing in the industries for its extraordinary performance with critical and highly corrosive chemical surroundings and incredible temperature withstand capability up to 300 ºF. These PVDF tanks are also acknowledged in the industries for its resistive nature against sunlight and UV radiation too.

We as a manufacturer of PVDF tanks have designed and manufactured these tanks by thoroughly understanding the material properties and leveraging the best of them. The excellent engineering and impeccable range of the PVDF tanks is being possible for us all because of our experience and dexterous team of personnel together with in house CAD designing and CNC machining facilities.

The entire manufacturing of the PVDF tanks operates in accordance to the ISO 9001:2008 standards and welding are achieved in accordance to the DVS welding standards with the help of the German’s best welding technology.These PVDF tanks are available in diverse shapes, colors and capacities and also available in the tailor made specification as detailed by the clientele. The both ranges provided by us are highly acknowledged in the industries for its toughness, low permeability to hydrocarbons, high rigidity and excellent flame retardation, made them an ideal for chemical, medical and defense industries for the storage purpose.

Advantageous side of our PVDF tanks:

  • Lower weight facilitates easy installation
  • Considerably lower thermal conductivity
  • Extremely good against chemicals
  • Extremely good heat resistance
  • Mechanical strength and toughness
  • High abrasion resistance
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Low permeability to most gases and liquids
  • Unaffected by long-term exposure to ultraviolet radiation

Application Scope of PVDF tanks:

chemical & process, fertilizers, textile processing, petrochemicals, pulp & paper industries, pharmaceuticals, salt & marine, food & beverages, steel industires, power plants, oil & refinery industries, water treatment plants

Alternative materials available for PVDF tanks:


Different alternatives in PVDF Tanks:

  • Cylindrical Tank
  • Square Tank
  • Vertical Tank
  • Horizontal Tank
  • Conical Bottom Tank
  • Slant Bottom Tank

Our Specialized Product Range

  • Industrial Storage Tanks
  • Industrial Scrubber Systems
  • Centrifugal Blowers
  • FRP Gratings / Fiber Glass Gratings